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Enhanced monofocal IOLs in 2024

Enhanced monofocal lenses, sometimes called advanced monofocal lenses, improved or so on - a new monofocal lenses class, based on EDOF technology, aimed to provide improved intermediate visual acuity for cataract patients.

The problem with standard monofocal lenses is a shallow depth of focus, which makes daily life a bit complicated without use of glasses.

Moreover, simple task such as walking on uneven surface, might be dangerous in dim light conditions with standard monofocal lens due to some defocus.

Enhanced monofocal lenses designed to mitigate this issue.

For the beginning of 2024, there are 5 models available on a market, however not all models available in all the countries.

These IOLs are

  1. Johnson&Johnson Eyhance - the first enhanced IOL, which created that class. Now seems to be the best in class in terms of material, visual acuity range and contrast.

  2. BVI IsoPure. Another type of enhanced monofocal IOL. Not too much data, and seems to be pupil-dependent in terms of defocus add range.

  3. Hanita Extend. No many data available for now. Neutral sphericity may have slightly worse contrast versus Eyhance.

  4. Hoya Vivinex Impress, which has visible refractive element.

  5. Rayner RayOne EMV. A good clone of Eyhance, but made of hydrophilic material.

The use of a particular IOL shall be defined by your surgeon.

IOL-adviser team


Aug 24, 2024

Here in the UK, my eye surgeon has suggested the NEW Johnson & Johnson TECNIS PureSee IOL (EDOF) because I want little to no night time halos and glare from car lights and street lights etc and wish to be free from wearing eye glasses the majority of the time.

I am concerned that I may not have the ability to read normal text size on my phone, or print on labels also, ingredients on food packages and tins etc without having to carry and use reading glasses.

I aim to be able to read 20/40 or 20/60 at worse, am I being too hopeful??

Note: there is very little information available on the internet regarding this new EDOF lens…


Sergej Rossoha
Sergej Rossoha
Jul 30, 2024

Übersetzung auf Deutsch nicht geklappt 😞

Ich versuche irgendwie anders Kontakt zu erstellen , schade ….


Sergej Rossoha
Sergej Rossoha
Jul 30, 2024

Здравствуйте Алексей ! Очень признателен вам за ваши подробные и квалифицированные объяснения ! Хотел бы пообщаться с вами - нужен ваш совет! Живу в Берлине .

Я был 15.07 прооперирован (катаракта) и в правом ( недоминантном ) глазу теперь

Pure See . Я был склонен больше к установки EDOF - Symfony Optiblue , но врач посоветовал попробовать новые PSee ?.линзы.

Я музыкант и для меня важно было на intermedien иметь хорошее зрение для чтения нот .

К сожалению , видимость на средней дистанции для меня не достаточно контрастная. Для обычного ( не с повышенными требованиями, как у меня )человека это , возможно, было бы и нормально , но теперь передо мной стоит вопрос - какую линзу поставить в левый (доминантный) глаз ??? Врач склон…

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